Thursday 5 July 2012

Postcard from Mallorca

Dear Blog Readers,
We've had a lovely holiday in Mallorca! By the time you read this we'll be back in Berlin and up to our elbows in dirty washing, delayed birthdays, dental appointments, electricity problems, school shows, school trial days, and a myriad of other tasks that seemed to melt away as we got all wrinkly in the warm water of the pool. Our hotel was lovely, and the pools were perfect for the kids as they had no deep ends. Orla overcame her slight fear of water and at last can swim! We were so proud: Stevie to the degree that when he said she could choose a special present to celebrate, agreed to the purchase of a Sylvanian Family (well two actually, the first for just swimming, the second (the following day) for swimming 25 or 30 metres - the required distance to achieve the Seahorse certificate in Germany). Little did he know that per gram, Sylvanian Family members cost more than gold, and he'd be freaking out in the KaDeWe toy department less than a week later.

Hamish too had a successful time in the water and overcame his nerves of both jumping into the pool, and going down water slides. He also thoroughly enjoyed seeing his cousins, grandparents, and uncles and aunt for two days and having an early birthday party. Even I had a good time with them, heavens above! I managed to read 4 books and couldn't help but wish I had just bought a Kindle before I went because I could have read more, but alas most of the books on sale where we were were in German. We stayed in a primarily German hotel, and found out that it's sister hotel along the road was full of Brits, so we took a little wander along and I was able to confirm that I do indeed prefer holidaying with Germans. In fact I couldn't stop speaking German the whole time I was there to my surprise. It seems my brain is wired to equating 'foreign country' with 'speak German'.

The only slight negative was our last night which was spent in a different hotel in a different part of Mallorca, as, if you recall, I booked our flights home for a day later than the hotel booking. The place looked ok on the internet, but turned out to be pretty horrid. Having just found out about TripAdvisor, I enjoyed reading one review where they said "This place should be blown up".

Anyway, must dash, lots of love,


  1. That first photo is just brilliant - what incredible lighting - and I think the gold man should come and talk to the half-smeared-with-white-and-literally-can't-stay-still man who *works* on Wiesbaden high street. As for the second photo... check you out, fancy pants: that looks AMAZING.

    1. ps (I am reminded as I have to crack the enigma code in order to comment) I read somewhere a couple of weeks ago that apparently someone has worked out how much time/energy we are wasting typing in the comment authorisation things and these days, what we type in is actually being used to write a book. That sounds ridiculous, doesn't it, now I come to think of it, I think I might try and find the article.

    2. It's a total pain, isn't it? I wouldn't mind reading that article, but the book of authorisation sounds a bit dull.

  2. Sounds like a good time! And that second picture does look like a fancy-good time. :) But the picture of the kids with the cowboy is a riot.... too funny!

    1. It was a good time! Sadly the pool with the nice beds was adults-only so we only got to use them when the kids were in the kids club.


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